479 research outputs found

    "L'Umorismo" de Pirandello, una poética de tradición cervantina

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    El ensayo de Pirandello "L'umorismo" es muy importante para la literatura italiana del principio de este siglo, porque su poesía se explica claramente allí. La idea de humorismo es bastante diferente de la ironía y la comicidad, es un profundo pensamiento y produce un sentimiento contradictorio que el escritor utiliza para hacer su propia crítica de ficción. Este punto de vista fue una novedad en ese momento, sin embargo, Pirandello basa su arte en una gran tradición donde Cervantes se revela como un maestro.Pirandello's essay “L'Umorismo” is very important for the Italian Literature of the beginning of this century because his poetry is clearly explained there. The idea of humorism is rather different from irony and comicality, it is a deeply thought and produces a contradictory feeling that writer uses to do his own fictional criticism. This view was a novelty at that time, nevertheless, Pirandello bases his art on a large tradition where Cervantes is signed as a master.notPeerReviewe

    Traducciones y transplantes del libro CUORE, de Edmondo De Amicis

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    El presente artículo propone un repaso de las distintas traducciones y versiones del libro Cuore de Edmondo de Amicis en el ámbito hispánico, siguiendo las variantes cronológicas de las ediciones castellanas, desde aquellas autorizadas por el propio autor publicadas por Hermenegildo Giner de los Ríos, hasta otras más recientes de finales del siglo XX. El estudio crítico comparativo realizado revela las intenciones de cada traductor según la época, así como las transformaciones interpretativas de la obra en dependencia de las circunstancias culturales en Italia y España a lo largo del tiempo

    The Construction of the Memory of Italy in Argentina Through a Choice of Translated Essays

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    As a country of immigrants, Argentina assimilated several languages in its idiolect. The languages spoken by the majority of newcomers were amalgamated with Spanish. In this respect, the birth of Argentina as an independent nation is connected to migration and translation. In fact, in Argentina, exiled or immigrant Spanish and Italian writers earned their living primarily as translators for publishers and journals, and in many cases their work was of outstanding quality. As part of an ongoing research project entitled Essay, cultural memory and translation in Sur (1931-1970) , this paper reveals a particular interpretation of Italian culture through the translations in Sur , Argentina\u27s most famous literary journal and an important disseminator of international aesthetic trends for much of the last century. Construction of Italian identity since the thirties in Spanish America can be observed through the careful reconstruction of the roster of writers chosen, the genres preferred, the thematic of the adaptations in the host culture and the success of the translations. Therefore, studies on translation, especially in peripheral host regions, are an essential branch of migration studies, as they establish the link between cultural memory and the construction of the new identity

    Nutritional screening as part of nursing care

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaContexto: La desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad es un problema tan frecuente como ignorado. Las causas que la provocan son múltiples y variadas, aunque cobra especial relevancia el papel de las enfermeros/as que trabajan en Atención Especializada. Esta situación ha llevado a la elaboración de Planes Estratégicos que aboguen por el cribado obligatorio tanto al ingreso como al alta del paciente. Objetivo: Determinar los motivos por los que dichos profesionales muestran poca sensibilización con el estado nutricional de los pacientes. Resultados: Son varias las barreas percibidas por las enfermeros/as que dificultan la realización del cribado y evaluación nutricional. La falta de conocimientos y de entrenamiento en la utilización de las herramientas de cribado influye de forma significativa en su realización. Además, prefieren el empleo de otros métodos y del juicio personal para realizar esta actividad, que junto con la importancia que le otorgan, determina la priorización del cribado y evaluación nutricional o de otras actividades. Uno de los factores que influye es la falta de tiempo. Conclusión: Ante la escasez de bibliografía, se hace necesario realizar estudios de investigación que permitan visibilizar los factores que dificultan la puesta en marcha de las herramientas de cribado y la evaluación nutricional de los pacientes hospitalizados.Context: Disease related-malnutrition is a problem as frequent as ignored. Causes are multiple and varied, although the nurses’ role working in Specialized Care is particularly relevant. This situation has led to the development of Strategic Plans that advocate for mandatory nutrition screening both at admission and discharge of the patient. Objective: Determine the reasons why these professionals show little awareness to the nutritional status of patients. Results: There are several barriers perceived by nurses that make it difficult to carry out nutritional screening and nutrition assessment. The lack of knowledge and training in the use of screening tools influences significantly their implementation. In addition, they prefer the use of other methods and the personal judgment to carry out this activity. Along with the importance they attach to it, determines the prioritization of screening and nutritional assessment or other activities. One of the factors that influences in it is the lack of time. Conclusion: Due to the scarcity of bibliography, it is necessary to carry out research studies that make it possible to visualize the factors that hinder the implementation of screening tools and the nutrition assessment of hospitalized patients

    "L'Umorismo" de Pirandello, una poética de tradición cervantina

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    El ensayo de Pirandello "L'umorismo" es muy importante para la literatura italiana del principio de este siglo, porque su poesía se explica claramente allí. La idea de humorismo es bastante diferente de la ironía y la comicidad, es un profundo pensamiento y produce un sentimiento contradictorio que el escritor utiliza para hacer su propia crítica de ficción. Este punto de vista fue una novedad en ese momento, sin embargo, Pirandello basa su arte en una gran tradición donde Cervantes se revela como un maestro.Pirandello's essay “L'Umorismo” is very important for the Italian Literature of the beginning of this century because his poetry is clearly explained there. The idea of humorism is rather different from irony and comicality, it is a deeply thought and produces a contradictory feeling that writer uses to do his own fictional criticism. This view was a novelty at that time, nevertheless, Pirandello bases his art on a large tradition where Cervantes is signed as a master.notPeerReviewe

    Comparison of theoretical heat transfer model with results from experimental monitoring installed in a refurbishment with ventilated facade

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    One of the main points to consider when a building is renovated is the improvement of its energy efficiency, minimizing the heat loss through the enclosures and its heating consumption. Under this scope idea a ventilated facade was designed and incorporated in an educational building located in the city of Burgos (Spain). The main objective of this document is a comparison between the theoretical model of heat transfer across the building envelope separating the environment and the interior space, and the heat intake through a linear regression model with installed experimental monitoring. For this it has been necessary to carry out an exhaustive study of the thermal transmission of each one of the materials that make up the thermal envelope of the building, as well as the linear thermal bridges that can be produced before and after the renovation. In addition, thanks to the monitoring installed in the demonstrator building, the interior and exterior temperatures and the heat consumption of each of the radiators is known. In this way expected and real energy savings have been compared